Archive for month: September, 2015
Stand in the Gap Today 9/11/15
/in Stand in the Gap Today /by Sam RohrerAmerica remembers the victims and families of 9/11. But how is National Security fairing 14 years later in light of the impact of the Syrian Refugee crisis and the Iran Nuke Deal? What should we be praying for as world events seem to move us closer to Christ’s return?
In Remembrance of 9/11
/0 Comments/in Blog /by News RoomAs this 14th 9-11 Anniversary dawned in NC, the skies were almost identical to those on that horrific day fourteen years ago! Beautiful, clear and blue! Fourteen years ago, my wife, children and I were on the west coast of the United States, three hours earlier, in the Pacific Time Zone.
That morning, I’d just dropped off, at the Portland Airport, the last speaker from our Northwest men’s conference (Men With A Mission). Once I’d assisted in getting his luggage safely through curbside check-in, I said my goodbyes, then slid behind the wheel of my Ford f-350 pick up truck for the 20 minute ride back to our travel trailer home. In an effort to check the early morning headlines, I punched the dial on the radio, ultimately hearing George W. Bush say, “This was a deliberate terror attack!” Those words, initially, didn’t shock me, as I assumed that he was referencing an attack in some distant land. However, the longer I listened, the more painfully aware I became of the fact that he was speaking of something that was actually ongoing within the United States!
The rest of that day, and the days that immediately followed were ones of anger, adjustment to life in a NEW United States, and attempts to comprehend the pure evil that could motivate such a catastrophic event! Having friends within the FBI, I was given a first hand account of the events in NY–the incomprehensible heat inside the Twin Towers, the falling bodies of those who chose to die by fall rather than fire, the ultimate collapse of those landmark buildings, and the aftermath of sifting through rubble and body parts! In all honesty, those descriptions are as fresh and vivid in my mind NOW as they were THEN!
In retrospect, what has been difficult to process is the fact that a mere seven years after those life-altering events, the citizens of the United States elected a man who is complicit with the very individuals who did us so much harm on 9-11! A strong statement? Yes, INDEED! But for it, I make NO apology! Barack Obama, the son and grandson of a
Sunni Muslim father and grandfather, has repeatedly demonstrated his disdain for America, his defiance of God, his friendship with Muslim doctrine, and his moral debauchery! Obviously, I am privy to much information about him that would not be suitable for sharing here! However, to even the casual observer, it is readily apparent that this
man is NOT a friend of faith or freedom!!!
So, as we commemorate the 14th Anniversary of those nation-changing events in 2001, I pray that this nation’s leaders admit the glaringly obvious about the current resident of the White House! More importantly, may the people who were heinously deceived enough to elect him TWICE, have the scales of diabolical deception removed from their eyes! And, may God’s preachers be infused with Divine courage–the kind that will lead their people to the truth and allow them to drink deeply from that well! The truth, plainly preached, about ALL things, including the
state of our nation and what is necessary for a return to God’s blessing, MUST be heard from America’s pulpits! We, the proclaimers of truth, DARE NOT shrink back from our sacred and solemn responsibility! Our congregations not only NEED to hear the truth, they are longing for it!
I am more encouraged than ever about the remnant of God’s men (a great group of which I spent two wonderful hours with yesterday) who get it! They are compassionate men with volcanic hearts of love for God and His
word! May we all fear the face of a thrice holy God, and NOT the faces of men–even those in our church bodies who are ignorant of the realities facing us! May we be willing to LEAD our people in righteousness, rather than allowing ourselves to be led by the godless fear of man! These are days for courageous faith, committed focus, and
conscientious and fearless leadership! Our God will make us sufficient for the task!
Dave Kistler
President, HOPE Ministries International
President, North Carolina Pastors Network (NCPN)
Co-host, Stand In The Gap Radio
Kim Davis Is Standing for the Rights of All
/3 Comments/in News /by News RoomAs religious liberties champion, Kim Davis, was released from a Kentucky jail yesterday, American Pastors Network leaders say the fight for religious freedom is not over, and that Davis’ stance is for the benefit of all—not just one.
“This First Amendment battle for Kim Davis is about much more than her position as a county clerk in Kentucky,” said APN President Sam Rohrer. “What she is doing is for every American, not related only to her, but she is fighting a cause for all of us.”
Rohrer added that appreciation should be shown for presidential hopefuls Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz, who stood at a rally yesterday in defense of Davis, as well as for the religious freedoms of every American.
“Today I was proud to stand with Kim Davis as she was released from Jail. Kim Davis should have never been locked-up for being a Christian and for following her conscience and the law,” Huckabee said in a statement yesterday afternoon. “I am appalled at our government’s willingness to accommodate the religious beliefs of all religions, but Christianity. Kim Davis sitting behind bars in an orange jumpsuit for six days leaves no doubt about the criminalization of Christianity in America. I refuse to sit silently as our Constitution is torched and the courts violate our fundamental rights. We did not fight a revolution against the tyranny of one unelected monarch so we could surrender our freedoms and abandon our Constitution to be tyranny of five unaccountable, unelected lawyers.”
“The intent of some is to disqualify the presence of Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz as grandstanding,” Rohrer added, “but the truth is that these two have championed religious freedom for their entire careers, and Ted Cruz’s father, Rafael Cruz, has been a longtime defender of these liberties.
“There are crucial state sovereignty issues at stake,” he continued. “This is a matter of moral truth, and what does the First Amendment apply to if not to the fight of Kim Davis?”
Rohrer will be a speaker alongside Rafael Cruz at the “Stand in the Gap for Truth” Rally in Nashville, Tenn., on Sept. 17, hosted by the Tennessee Pastors Network, a chapter of APN. For more on the upcoming rally, visit
Stand in the Gap Today 9/10/15
/in Stand in the Gap Today /by Sam RohrerThe KY constitution has an amendment prohibiting same-sex marriage that passed by 75% of the vote in 2004, an amendment that was part of the law that Kim Davis swore to uphold. Was she not in reality obeying the law rather than being in defiance of it? Learn more as Attorney David New joins the program to discuss the Davis case.
Stand in the Gap Today 9/9/15
/in Stand in the Gap Today /by Sam RohrerWhat is the geo-political and prophetical significance of the newly reformed Sandhedrin in Israel who recently issued indictments against the Pope, President Obama, John Kerry and others? Dr. Jimmy DeYoung, Host of Prophecy Today, joins the program today to discuss this topic. Also an update from Tennessee Pastors Network President, Dale Walker, who attended the rally yesterday in KY for County Clerk Kim Davis .
Stand in the Gap Today
/in Stand in the Gap Today /by Sam RohrerIf elected official, Kim Davis, can be sent to jail for exercising her first amendment rights, what prevents the same thing from happening to pastors when they do the same? Pastor Randy Smith from KY, present at the Kim Davis hearing, joins the program along with Jeremy Dys from Liberty Institute to discuss the personal and legal circumstances of this case.
The Pastors Impact: A Biblical Perspective with Rev. Paul Blair
/in Stand in the Gap Weekend /by Sam RohrerTo download this program to your computer, please click HERE. Then right click on the “Play” button and choose “Save Video As”. Then click “Save”.
Stand in the Gap Radio 9/4/15
/in Stand in the Gap Today /by Sam RohrerChad Connelly of the Freedom Tide organization, joins the discussion on the condition of the Conservative Movement in 2015. As the RNC’s first ever National Director for Faith Engagement, Mr. Connelly has valuable insights on what’s happening on the political front from a Christian perspective.
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