Boy Scouts Ignore Two-Thirds of Membership by Lifting Ban on Homosexuals
PHILADELPHIA – By now, it is common knowledge that the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) has changed their policy and lifted a ban and now accepts homosexual boys as members into their organization. Many believe that the BSA capitulated to strong-arm tactics from special-interest groups by changing its policy to allow boys who claim to be gay to be included in their ranks. According to the BSA’s own survey, 61 percent of its members were in opposition to changing the policy yet the delegates ignored the members and were pressured by the national BSA leadership to vote against upholding the longstanding BSA policy.
The Pennsylvania Pastor’s Network (PPN, has condemned this decision as irresponsible and damaging to the innocence of youth and the Scout’s long-standing tradition of teaching boys to embrace the principles of God, Country, Flag, and Morality. Boys, instead of being offered a view of morality consistent with a biblical worldview that honors marriage and masculinity, will now be exposed to an opposing view of morality and masculinity. In addition, it will introduce innocent young boys to possible sexual experimentation by other boys who are openly confused and struggling with cultural messages regarding their sexual identity. Parents who would never dream of forcing young boys and girls to share a tent together, will now be forced to allow boys with sexual attractions to other boys to share sleeping accommodations, as well as locker rooms and other close quarters.
Although deeply disappointed by the Scouts decision, Sam Rohrer, president of PPN, is not surprised. In a recent survey conducted for PPN, one out of five evangelical pastors said they would not teach a biblical view of morality in their churches, even where it concerned issues of sexuality.
Rohrer states, “We’ve seen the leadership of the Boy Scouts of American crumble under pressure from homosexual activist groups and we know this because the BSA leadership just a couple of years ago was adamant that they would not allow homosexual members or leaders into the organization. The integrity and moral compass of our nation is quickly going haywire and the Church is partially at fault. When the people, and especially those in the pulpit, don’t believe God’s Word is authoritative, and replace God with themselves or look to culture to give guidance to moral directives, a nation can only decline and its people will suffer.”
Rohrer continues, “God’s Word is the only source for truth and confidence. God’s Word is absolute and unchanging. It is pastors who have the direct command to preach the Word and teach a purely biblical worldview. Our nation is in need of rescue and 20 percent of our pastors are falling short of the call and responsibility placed on their lives. It is impossible for those in positions of leadership to lead on matters of life and living when they themselves are not confident that God’s Word provides all the answers to all life’s questions.”
As a result of this policy change of the Boy Scouts, boys will be taught that there is no absolute when it comes to masculine identity. Instead of being encouraged to embrace the time-honored principles of strength, leadership, protector, and provider, boys will instead be confronted with a message that abandons traditional moral norms.
The PA Pastors’ Network urges Christian parents to prayerfully consider pulling their boys out of the Boy Scouts of America. Many leaders and organizations around the country have already begun to investigate the possibility of starting a new organization, where parents can continue to teach character among boys that is consistent with a more Christian biblical worldview, and that also respects the right of parents to direct discussions of sexuality with their sons. Many parents have expressed that they don’t want sexuality taught to their sons by the Boy Scouts of America
The Pennsylvania Pastors’ Network is a group of Biblically faithful clergy and church liaisons whose objective is to build a permanent infrastructure of like-minded clergy who affirm the authority of Scripture, take seriously Jesus’ command to be the “salt and light” to the culture, encourage informed Christian thinking about contemporary social issues; examine public policy issues without politicizing their pulpits and engage their congregations in taking part in our political process on a non-partisan basis.
The Pennsylvania Pastors’ Network website continues to offer a wealth of resources to pastors to help them equip their congregations to live a Christian life, from sermon notes to corporate prayers for our nation, to resources for laypeople, covering everything from preparation to finances.
The Pennsylvania Pastors’ Network is a part of Let Freedom Ring, Inc., a 501c(4) non-profit organization. To contact them visit. or call 610-793-1800.
To schedule interviews with Sam Rohrer, President of the Pa. Pastors’ Network, contact Deborah Hamilton at, 215-815-7716 or 610-584-1096.
Throughout his nine terms in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, on finance and economic issues, Sam Rohrer served as a 14-year member of the Appropriations Committee. He served on the Speaker’s Commission on Government Reform, was Republican chairman of the House Finance Committee, he argued for strong structural limits on state government taxes and spending, and for true public pension reform, led the statewide efforts for positive changes in the Pennsylvania home school law. Sam authored the historic Education Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) scholarship. Sam was the Republican chairman of the Game and Fisheries Committee and he also served as Chairman of the House Agriculture and Rural Affairs committee.
In November of 2009 Sam formally entered the race for Governor of Pennsylvania as the conservative Republican candidate. From February to November of 2011, Sam Rohrer served as State Director for Americans for Prosperity, the largest grassroots organization in the country dedicated to defending individual freedom and liberty.
Sam and his wife Ruth Ann live in Berks County and are the parents of six children and six grandchildren. The Rohrer family considers their commitment to faith and family one of their highest priorities.