Webinar: Islam and the American Church
The American Pastors Network presents a webinar titled, “Is Islam Luring the American Church into Denying Jesus?” Dr. Mark Christian, a converted Muslim Imam, and current Executive Director of the Global Faith Institute speaks about how the church has compromised truth by forming unbiblical alliances with Islam. He calls out Pastors with compelling historical information and a side-by-side analysis of the Quran and the Bible to further clarify this issue.
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Below are some of the comments we received concerning the webinar:
The presentation ‘Is Islam Luring the American Church Into Denying Jesus?’ by Dr. Mark Christian was both timely and well communicated. I was greatly impacted by the gravity of the fact of how influential Islam’s misnomer of “tolerance” is infiltrating America’s churches and pulpits. As a pastor, I am more keenly aware of the dangers that are both subtly and blatantly pervading society. While I am saddened at the number of denominations who are getting cozy with Islam, I am also encouraged by the many bold believers who are taking a stand for truth. Thank you APN for this helpful resource.” Millennial Sr. Pastor
That was a Great Big Wow! of a webinar.
Mark Christian is on fire! And is just what the pulpit needs today in my view.
The camel’s nose is already under the tent.
We need to beat it back with the Word of God and prayer and ever more fervor, in my view! Sr. Pastor
This webinar is such a blessing. Great job! (It’s clear that you and Jerry are pro’s at this!)
I have to step away unfortunately, but truly fantastic. Definitely can’t wait to watch the recording.
Blessings on you all at APN. Truly a remarkable presentation. Superb content and great audio quality.
Awesome sir! More material here than I’ve ever heard before. Just never knew the depth of the evil nature of Islam and their fundamental hatred for Christians and Jews and of course Jesus as God.
That was a great webinar, men, with valuable information.
Praise the Lord for this presentation! I think this information connected the dots with the missing thread that helps to really make the understanding of the devilish nature of Islam more easily understood and why they are at war with the world.
Valuable and informative!
This was a critical cord woven through this presentation that I don’t believe has been presented anywhere else. My knowledge of Islam is far greater than most, but I heard things today that were critical. It helps to connect the dots in such a way that some of the unexplainable things about Islam became understood.
Wonderful job, Mark! A wealth of information. I pray that will be used by many and that God will bless it.
SUCH a VITAL message!!! Praise the LORD!!
I was so impressed with this webinar! One of the best I have attended and I have attended many over the last few years. You said that the audio would be made available… that would be helpful because as hard as I tried to take good notes, I was unable to keep up and I am sure I missed something. If the PowerPoint, or at least the data from the PowerPoint would also be great and any links to websites that were referenced during the presentation would be good.
Thank you so much for presenting this. I have been teaching about this and studying it for a few years now but coming from a person that has such an intimate knowledge of their beliefs was outstanding!
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[…] By News Room | March 20, 2017April 6, 2017 The American Pastors Network recently conducted a webinar with converted former Imam, Dr. Mark Christian. Dr. Christian has been a guest on APN’s “Stand in the Gap Today” radio program to share his insights on this crucial topic of interest (click here to listen to the Mar. 1 program). On March 24th, Dr. Christian presented his points, followed by a Q&A session to numerous pastors and lay leaders from across the nation. To view the recorded webinar, please click HERE. […]
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