Stand in the Gap Today 9/19/16
Has Jihad officially erupted in America? What does Christian persecution look like in Sharia controlled countries and how can American Christians assist persecuted Christians in Muslim nations? Dr. Selman Hassan of the International Christian Outreach Ministry joins the program as guest along with Dale Walker, President of the Tennessee Pastors Network. Host: Sam Rohrer
Note: To learn more about the International Christian Outreach Ministry, please click HERE.
I believe that American pastors first need to lay hold of doctrinal reality as far as Islam is concerned. Far too many pastors are complacent about Islam from a spiritual position. Terms such as antichrist don’t really help, because that spirit implies that a true knowledge of Christ is already available to the one who denies that Christ has come in the flesh. Islam has no true knowledge of Christ and as such its emphatic denial of the Lord’s death and resurrection, whilst it is strong, cannot precisely be antichrist in the biblical sense of what that means.
Islam is wholly and irreconcilably against Christ by reason of Mohammed usurping the Revelation of God through Christ Jesus, with the Qur’an and of course Mohammed himself. That is very strong, but it is not the antichrist. It is not another Christ, as though he were Christ – save for where Islam presses into mysticism. That mysticism is called Sufism. It is Sufism that exposes Islam in a way that appears to be antichrist, because it is Sufism that makes of Mohammed a man like unto Christ – Yet not a taking away of the sin of the World – But rather a making of a man the true example of perfect humanity.
Given that Mohammed’s life was so abhorrent that is a truly vile notion.
Unless we get a handle on what Islam really is – spiritually – we do not really have much chance of laying hold of Islam politically in our day to day lives. Political Islam is of course Shari’ah – And it is Shari’ah that is the visible part of Islam – But American Pastors need to finally come to terms with Islam as a spiritual reality. If they do that the outcome ought to be a compassionate intercession for Muslims in the USA and a real cry to the Father for mercy. Muslims are deceived and many are sincerely deceived. That are not antichrist. They are deceived. Antichrist is not being deceived. Antichrist is wilfully denying true Christ and making of another to be Christ. Moslems does not do that. Moslems need our intercession and prayers. Islam on the other hand appears to be antichrist – whereas Muslims believe that Christ is found in their book.
If learn to pray for Muslims with a real heart of compassion then we will have no need to concern ourselves about Shari’ah because Islam will not ascend into a dominant place – where Shari’ah finds its expression.