New Web Site Tracks Girl Scouts’ Ties to Planned Parenthood, Abortion
The pro-life movement has been concerned for a number of years about the ties between the Girl Scouts and the Planned Parenthood abortion business. Now, another web site has been launched to track the Girl Scouts’ ties to the abortion agenda.
Those ties prompted the launch of, that documents specific concerns on a council-by-council basis with a comprehensive approach.
Although the Girl Scout organization maintains that it takes “no position” on the issue of abortion, parents, churches, and pro-life activists have long complained of the pro-abortion slant of the Girl Scouts’ resources, role models, and affiliations. The new parent-driven website is the creation of Ann Saladin, who was a featured presenter on this topic at the June 2013 National Right to Life Convention.
Saladin pulled her own daughter, a 4th generation Girl Scout, out of her parish troop after discovering financial and ideological links between the Girl Scouts and organizations and individuals who advocate for reproductive rights.
“I wish a resource like this had been available when I was first contemplating my own daughter’s Girl Scout membership,” Saladin explained to LifeNews. “I had no idea that her membership, and the financial contributions solicited through her council, were supporting the international scouting organization, WAGGGS, which aggressively pushes for sexual and reproductive health and rights for girls around the world while representing its 10 million members.”
Saladin hopes the website will spur greater accountability and transparency by Girl Scouts USA.
“Parents have a right to know where their money goes and what messages the Girl Scouts are sending to, and on behalf of, their daughters,” she says.
Pam Fichter, president of Missouri Right to Life, which recently released their own policy statement of concern about the Girl Scouts, welcomes this new resource.
“We have found that providing specific, documented examples of the numerous pro-life concerns about the Girl Scouts to be an effective means to inform our local community. highlights current and verifiable pro-life concerns that apply directly to families and communities across the country,” she told LifeNews. provides a valuable tool for parents, clergy, and pro-lifers by meticulously documenting how local councils specifically connect girl members throughout the United States to concerning activities, resources, funding, and affiliations.
The web site documents the Girl Scouts’ involvement in the May, 2013 Women Deliver Conference, an international event that included “safe and legal abortion” among its overarching themes. It documents its role in the planning and facilitating of the December, 2012 Bali Global Youth Forum and the outcome declaration, which demands youth access to abortion.
It notes how GSUSA’s Journey curriculum series promotes women (Gloria Steinem, Betty Friedan, and Dolores Huerta among others) and organizations (such as WAGGGS, Amnesty International, Population Council, and the ACLU) that publically advocate for abortion. Every local council uses and sells the Journeys series to their girl members.
The web site also chronicles how local councils honor women politicians and activists who advocate for abortion rights, and promote additional concerning organizations and content to girl members.
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