Stand in the Gap Today 9/15/15
/in Stand in the Gap Today /by Sam RohrerGuest Scott Lanser – Director of Associates for Biblical Research (ABR), a Christian apologetics ministry, discusses why 250,000 Muslims are being admitted to the US per year, plus new archeological findings in Israel which continue to prove the historical truth of the Bible!
Stand in the Gap Today 9/14/15
/in Stand in the Gap Today /by Sam RohrerGuest Iraqi Pastor Ghassan Thomas gives an update on what’s happening to the church in Iraq and discusses religious freedom in the Middle East. Topics also include the immigrant crisis and the latest headlines on new terrorist threats to the US.
Stand in the Gap Today 9/11/15
/in Stand in the Gap Today /by Sam RohrerAmerica remembers the victims and families of 9/11. But how is National Security fairing 14 years later in light of the impact of the Syrian Refugee crisis and the Iran Nuke Deal? What should we be praying for as world events seem to move us closer to Christ’s return?
Stand in the Gap Today 9/10/15
/in Stand in the Gap Today /by Sam RohrerThe KY constitution has an amendment prohibiting same-sex marriage that passed by 75% of the vote in 2004, an amendment that was part of the law that Kim Davis swore to uphold. Was she not in reality obeying the law rather than being in defiance of it? Learn more as Attorney David New joins the program to discuss the Davis case.
Stand in the Gap Today 9/9/15
/in Stand in the Gap Today /by Sam RohrerWhat is the geo-political and prophetical significance of the newly reformed Sandhedrin in Israel who recently issued indictments against the Pope, President Obama, John Kerry and others? Dr. Jimmy DeYoung, Host of Prophecy Today, joins the program today to discuss this topic. Also an update from Tennessee Pastors Network President, Dale Walker, who attended the rally yesterday in KY for County Clerk Kim Davis .
Stand in the Gap Today
/in Stand in the Gap Today /by Sam RohrerIf elected official, Kim Davis, can be sent to jail for exercising her first amendment rights, what prevents the same thing from happening to pastors when they do the same? Pastor Randy Smith from KY, present at the Kim Davis hearing, joins the program along with Jeremy Dys from Liberty Institute to discuss the personal and legal circumstances of this case.
Stand in the Gap Radio 9/4/15
/in Stand in the Gap Today /by Sam RohrerChad Connelly of the Freedom Tide organization, joins the discussion on the condition of the Conservative Movement in 2015. As the RNC’s first ever National Director for Faith Engagement, Mr. Connelly has valuable insights on what’s happening on the political front from a Christian perspective.
Stand in the Gap Today 9/3/15
/in Stand in the Gap Today /by Sam RohrerHosts discuss the war on police, Trump’s loyalty pledge, and Hillary’s email scandals. Has society lost its respect for authority? How is racism fueling this kind of aggression? Should Trump have signed the pledge? And what does it tell us if Bryan Pagliano pleads the fifth if issued a subpoena?
Stand in the Gap Today 9/2/15
/in Stand in the Gap Today /by Sam RohrerWas the Iran Bomb Deal a ‘done deal’ before it ever went up for a vote? Why does the President insist on scaring people with warnings of dire consequences as a result of global warming on his tour of Alaska? And is there anything significant about the ‘strange’ globalist alignment of Barack Obama , the Pope, and key dates in September.
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