This two-part series by American Pastors Network President, Sam Rohrer, has been presented both nationally and internationally for the purpose of answering some of these key questions:
- How did government begin and what is its God-ordained purpose in society?
- What is God’s plan for the nations and how has he established the levels of government, delegated authority, and established law?
- What is the church’s role in civil government and what are the correlating responsibilities of the pastor and the elected official?
In PART 2, Sam explains the biblical concept of the American Pastors Network’s unique initiative called Ministers Together. In Romans 13, the elected official is called a “minister of God” while in other Scripture passages, the pastor of a church is also called a Minister of God. Both are ministers of God with differing yet comparable responsibilities-which is why, when they work together, the relationship and outcome is powerful and able to change the course of a nation!
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Sam also gives a brief update of APN’s ongoing work in the country of Ukraine.
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