Sam Rohrer will be the speaker for the Susquehanna Valley Conservatives meeting on Monday, January 13 at 7:00PM in the Best Western Country Cupboard Inn, Lewisburg. His biographical information is below.
His presentation is titled, “A Republic—If you can keep it—The Threats and the (Biblical) Solutions.”
Talking points will focus on answering 3 major questions:
- What is a republic?
- What destroys a republic?
- How can we keep our republic?
He will:
- Talk about the two “Pillars of Truth” upon which our republic was founded.
- Define the enemy of a Republic and the enemies that undermine the Pillars of Truth.
- Identify some current examples of attacks on our Republic emanating from Washington.
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- Identify some very practical things that can be done and what PPN (PA Pastors Network) is doing to not only stop the erosion of our foundations but to rebuild the walls.
The meeting is open to the public free of charge. Those with opposing points of view are encouraged to attend.
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